The Venus in Medieval period is hardly to find a research and I choose statue follows a very widespread painting type that called the Virgin Hodegetria. Place of origin of the statue is Istanbul, Turkey and made in late 10th century to early 11th century. Statuary in the round is almost unknown in Byzantine Art, that this is the sole surviving.
Firstly, proportion of this statue has dimensions 32.7 cm height, 9.2 cm width, 5.2 cm depth and 1.28 kg weight. That is small and easy to move. In unity the Virgin holds Christ in her right hand while making a gesture toward him, indicating that he is the way to salvation. The Virgin's gesture makes her our guide to salvation and explains the appellation. Christ appears in a chiton and himation, while holding a rituals attributes of a classical philosopher that were adopted from Hellenistic art. Christ is represented not as an infant, but rather as the Logos, the eternal Word. The carving emphasises the elongated proportions of the figures and is overall restrained and refined.
Secondary, similarity and contrast of the Mother of God Hedegetria is ivory figure that carved in the round. The Virgin Mary is important religious figures because she is standing and holding her son as Christ's Mother, so their movement look like about love, anxious and edification. Texture and technique of ivory statue was crack because of carving and period of time. This sculpture is smaller than Ancient Greek and Roman.
Thirdly, emphasis of this statue historical significance that the Virgin and Child was an especially popular subject for Byzantine artists. These representations were invariably in relief, either on a large scale in marble or in smaller versions ivory, metalwork or semi precious stones. Most artwork of the Virgin stress her role as Christ's Mother, showing her standing and holding her son. So this sculpture means Mary in Jesus Christ of Christianity. The Virgin Mary, known as the Theotokos in Greek terminology, was central to Byzantine spirituality as one of its most important religious figures. Although the statuette is the only known Byzantine ivory sculpture carved entirely in the round, it is closely related to a small group of Virgin and Child ivory reliefs in Utrecht, liege, Hamburg and New York, which originally formed the centres of triptychs.
Lastly, in Medieval period has shown they believed in Christianity and their clothes style to wear. The statue has action and feeling like love between mother and her son. The development is feeling and made for religion, love and anxious to learn the edification and pray. This venus is mother rather than the beauty of women body shape. And distinctive point is her son that describe the religion way of Christianity.