Saturday, July 20, 2013

Roman : The Venus of Capua

Roman : The Venus of Capua

        In this period  has many beautiful Venus in sculpture. I choose the Venus of capua that is in Roman, A.D. 117-138 and was discovered at the amphitheater in Capua, in Southern Italy. Venus becomes symbolize Rome's imperial power and this is one of the best sculpture known as Aphrodite "VENUS DE CAPUA" that roman copy from Greek statue on C4th BC.

        Firstly, Similarity and Contrast of Venus of Capua is statuary type representing a semi-naked Aphrodite. She has more texture with line in details of muscle, hair and wrap rather than Greek preferably her movement. So movement of venus looks interesting in described free-standing attitude, with her head turned to the left  and her arms extended in the same direction, an with her foot resting on a helmet. The way in which her arms and hands are extended to the left side, that she could have been holding the shield of her lover, therefore It is a suggestion. Her The figure is the wrap was undraped to the hip, and she is the Victrix type. When we focus in her hands and her legs its seem like her delicate dance pleasure sacrifice for love and peace.

        Secondary, unity significantly, perhaps the skin around figure body covering from marble material, so that is main material. It completely represented strengrth of hardness. Answering why venus was appeal symbolize and strengthened unity of powerful that she is the Victrix type. Technique for making this sculpture was neatly. Proportion of Venus is 87 inch high or height 2.04 metres scale relative to human life size. She is perfect harmony of form and proportion. So emphasis of Venus was familiarly companion with love and beauty goddess and over all image made venus particular to the roman goddess. In Roman religion, Venus have more matronly character than Aphrodite, and empresses were regularly identified with her. Denoting wifely virtues of fertility and decency, Venus's figure types were used for portrait sculpture of both imperial and citizen women in roman. 
         Lastly, in Roman period have more soft feeling than the past. The Meaning of statue of venus is goddess of love that I impress about aesthetic act of this sculptures. its look fascinating different from the other venus statues. These speculations are perhaps showing proportion of this figure general style but this period style is not much different in details with Ancient Greek in human scale, so Roman has emulated from Ancient Greek and just have more soft movement details for meaningful in art work.      

The Venus of Capua
                          The Lovatelli Venus                                    The Mazarin Venus                                                      
Compare and Conformity with other Venus such as The Lovatelli Venus and The Mazarin Venus

         In similarity and contrast: They have the body are statuary type representing a semi-naked Aphrodite. Also they have a warp to overlay the suspension that is same part of statue and they are goddess of love. The materials of them is same that made from marble, their texture of their hair are resemble. In the movement, they have different in composition and attitude and 2 of Venus in the lower picture that have added the supporting character meaning of them. The Lovatelli Venus has a little women under her left arm and holding wrap on left hand. The Mazarin Venus has a dolphin at her left side too but she holding warp 2 hands. The Venus of Capua is not holding warp and free hands moving. And only the Lovatelli Venus has color in warp, that it is gold.